
Music is my religion- Jimi Hendrix

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"One good thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain"-Bob Marley

The magic of a simple rhythm, a good beat or some good lyrics is not in the technicalities. The magic lies in the experience of the sounds that mix together so well that you are able to lose yourself in it. It's like taking a bite of cake without even thinking about the ingredients because you are in awe of the taste. It is a pain numbing drug that I don't mind getting addicted to. I am a gluttonous music pig and I am proud to say it. I have my own tastes and trust me, it tastes good!

"If music be the food of love, play on"-William Shakespeare

Good old Shakespeare, he had it right. God only knows where romance would be without soppy love songs. I myself feel inferior saying something romantic when the most heart wrenching lyrical sounds can bring tears to my eyes. The likes of John Butlers magic fingers on guitar or the soulful sounds of Peter Gabriel would tug at anyones heart strings. Everyone has that special song that they listened to with that special Mr or Misses that they wouldn't mind listening to a million times more. Often in my own relationship we find that a song better expresses our feelings than we can and even if it is a crappy little song on acoustic guitar, it's written for him alone and its one better than a poem or a letter.

"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."-Jimi Hendrix

I know for a fact that we as humans have short attention spans and are very selfish with our time. It is not often that I as a member of the Durban youth rush home to listen to the news or get in trouble in class for reading a newspaper. However almost everywhere I go I carry my earphones and some music simply because the news may give me the factoid details but I want to feel what that person is feeling. Through music we are able to learn about love, life and emotions and we are able to relate it to our everyday lives. The entire world listens music with the intention of hearing every word. Some are even able to recite every line of a song and follow every move of the artist. Music is a medium we should use to make the world a better place. It influences not only our minds but also our souls, it inspires, carries and evolves us into better beings.

For many years we as humans have been creating new substance, new sounds and new sights. From these creations come sub creations and we have found ways sew together genres and sub genres to make the most groundbreaking sounds to hit our ears. Music has become an alternative realm that we can escape to, a dose of rejuvenating medicine injected into our ears that seeps into our minds and evokes emotion. It is the safety net that catches our fears, hopes and dreams. We feel the artists pain or joy and we immerse ourselves into a music induced coma. Music is so powerful that it can make us forget about the outside world for a few minutes with the simple plugging in of earphones. Music is a force so irrepressible that it is constantly growing. Every day more and more songs feed the the universal music library. Lets watch it grow...

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