
Lost? #Ramfest

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After a rather successful visit to the sunny South Africa we are happy to send a proud thank you to Rise Against as well as the other great performers during this weekend. From mosh pits to the wall of death, Ramfest was a lifechanging experience and a great success all around. Well strummed, well screamed, well sung!

It has caught the attention of a couple of my friends that the crowd at Ramfest did not match the concert vibe. With a line up which is predominantly rock branching out into various specialisations, it was strange to observe the mass of vest wearing, rugby tackling jocks. I'm not sure if they got lost on the way to the movies, thought Pendulum was DJing or that Origin had moved but it was rather unsettling. I have never seen any of them at any local rock gigs or pubs. It worries me that so many people will take an interest in international acts when our local acts are struggling to get their daily bread and butter. I'm not trying to be cynical but Bring me the Horizon has caviar and champagne while our local bands are worth just as much but get no support from their fellow locals. How can we ever expect others to notice the South African music scene if we don't even support it. Durban is ripe with possibility and overflowing with talent, everywhere you turn you could be looking at a great musician or performer. I feel sad not for the bands but for you guys out there who are missing out on so much great local music. I don't need to tell you that nothing beats live music. It becomes an experience accompanied with new friends, cold beer and good memories. I may wake up in the morning after a gig with some stolen items, smudged make up, a sore neck from head banging and dreadlocks in my smoky smelling hair but that's when I know I had an awesome night. Support the locals -be a true Punk rock rebel of Dirtbin.

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