
Are you a Durban Punk Rocker?

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You don't exactly fit the typical look of a hardcore punk completely, in other words you won't spend hours at the metal detector at the airport nor do you have to wear long sleeve shirts to work to cover your daring tats. However your heart is 101 percent punk.

You're indépendant, you make your own money and you don't let the system get you down. You work hard but only for the things you believe in. You leave work before 5 to catch happy hour at Amsterdam.

You like to throw the rules out the window and authority is not a concept you get along with. You're not afraid to make some noise and every now and then you cause chaos at the Winston. You've argued with bouncers and you know how to make a plan. You're a rebel and a freedom fighter. You miss Burn.

You never break the rules and respect authority because you are happy with the status quo. You feel no need for change and are pretty set in your conventional ways. Your interests are influenced by mainstream media and popular trends.

You work a 9 to 5 job and you don't mind starting from the bottom to get to the top. You're not a trouble maker and you tend to settle for what the system has to offer.

You wonder why people try so hard to be different. You are happy in your niche of the world and feel there is nothing wrong with being normal. You don't know what Burn is and you have never set foot in the Winston.

You enjoy having control over the situation and you have a "it's my way or the highway" attitude. You aren't a rebel but you refuse to conform to societies norms. You are bright, witty and energetic with enough time to disagree with anyone.

You're opinionated and thus struggle with following rules. You question authority and can talk your way out of anything. You pave the path to your own future and you are as free as the birds. You've heard of Burn and you're known to make a good few laugh whilst under the influence.

You are a non-conformist

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