
Haters gonna hate, Potatoes gonna potate...

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This goes out to all the haters.

To be brutally honest: 

You need to understand that you are one of the many major problems with the world. It may be easy for you to convey hate in order to fabricate your “egotistical” existence. You have an unhealthy attention seeking complex and your addiction is the limelight. Unfortunately, the world doesn't revolve around you nor does it need any more negativity. The world is haphazardly wired in a way that we all behave as competitively as a fat person at an eating contest. People compete for attention and are always trying to be the most important.

What the kwaicore revolution wants you to understand:

is that everyone is important. Humanity is meant to work as a single entity. Without unity we have no collaborated effort, thus stunting our communal growth. Once we learn to love and appreciate everything, then we will live out our full potential which is as vast as the stars in the Milky way.
We, the kwaicore revolution,don't care if you don't like our music but please keep your negativity to yourself. There is enough hate crime, violence and abuse without your 2 cents. Lets all be friends because its just more fun that way!

A song that reflects what's wrong with the world and rebels against segregation and violence through collaboration and music. Kwaicore is soon to follow in these footsteps.
 it’s not about me.  it’s not about you.  it’s all about we.

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