
Peanut-butter and Jam sandwich

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Some things just go together, Spaghetti would not taste the same without meatballs, peas are just broken families without their pods, Mickey is just a mouse without minnie, bacon isn't breakfast without some eggs. Ironically the scientists of sound and the masters of music have found through intense investigation and experimentation that the relationship between two complete opposite music genres can have unpredictable and explosive results.

It has come to my attention that two opposites attract. Hardcore punk rock has formed a magnetic connection with the South African genre, Kwaito. The connection alone is explosive and the genre is sure to hit your ears with aggressive intensity and a powerful soul.

Kwaicores Agenda:

We want you! To join the ranks and stand in line as part of one of the greatest armies in history. With our instruments as our weapons and our voices as our war cry. For the sake of all that is underground and sacred we will protect and express the secrets of our youth. We vow to speak our minds and spread the truth with brutal honesty. We vow to support the locals, drink lots of beer and sing sober thoughts. We don't sleep at night but when we do we dream of freedom. We are part of the revolution and we welcome the urban rebel youth to unite under the Umbrella of Kwaicore. A movement of music that moves you. This is the music that will bring us together as we vow to never forget where we came from, always look out for each other and keep our cities safe from mainstream. We are the rebel youth, we are non-conformists and we have "no bullshit" policy. We don't care if you like us but we'd love if you joined the Kwaicore cause.

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