
Rock, paper, Kwaito! -Kwaicore


Sometimes I sit at my window at night and watch over the city as it breathes and sighs a relief from the hot day. I know the pavements are still warm from Durban's blazing heat and I imagine the sweat dripping down the brows of minimum wage workers, the blue collars and the underpaid and under appreciated. The moon is a balloon and all my thoughts seem float away with the heat.

I look out to my city and in my mind's eye I envision every person settling in for the night on a lazy Sunday evening. As the city begins to fall asleep, my mind wonders to a basement deep underground in the heart of town where a couple people I know are hard at work. A pen, paper and a voice worth listening to are all it takes to start a revolution. Cigarette smoke twists around the room, the stress of the day floats with it as an unlikely group of musicians channel their frustrations into what sounds like an angry mob. It takes time to create something that is worth your time and so we look forward to the future of Kwaicore. A tiny murmur that is growing into a massive underground movement deep in the depths of Durban.

These are every day people that work everyday jobs and with their spare change they are able to create something extraordinary. Some are rockers armed with guitars, drums and an "I don't give a fuck what you think" attitude. They are headstrong, passionate and have no fear except for the fear of their voices not being heard. Some are from the Ghetto having given birth to Kwaito with the backdrop of a post apartheid South Africa. Freedom of expression and political liberation are what they bring to the table, not to mention rhythm like you have never seen before. The gathering of these musicians has lead to discussions of social and political issues in our country. Knowledge is power and education is key so through divine intervention and these musicians, Kwaicore music will be our teacher, so be sure to pay attention in class!


Anonymous : 21 April 2013 at 08:55

You paint a very interesting picture of Durban.

Charne' 'crazyNey' Munien : 21 April 2013 at 08:56

Thank you :)

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