
Organised sound - Kwaicore

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I know you've heard the murmurs, the whispers on the street and the silent drums that beat through the city. It's on the tip of everyone's tongue and at the back of everyone's mind. It is a movement that is spreading from instrument to ear drum, from voice boxes to elite crowds attempting to exile the elitists.

A revolution is on the rise, we are gathering our forces armed with our voices and instruments of melodic assault. It is the genre that speaks of collaboration, unity and the coming together of our beloved Durban stone city.

This is kwaicore. The music genre with an agenda. It is a collaboration of many generations of collaborative music and is mainly a mixture of Kwaito and Hardcore punk rock.

The word Kwaito actually originates from the Afrikaans word "kwaai" which means "angry" or in the more colloquial sense "cool". The name shows the integration of the oppressed and the oppressor and the genre led a post apartheid township subculture into the mainstream. So that puts the "Kwaai" in Kwaicore.

The word Hardcore was used to describe a person or movement who was intensely loyal. When punk rock came about, the word hardcore was put in front of it to give meaning to tracks with particularly explicit or aggressive content. The genre also pioneered through oppression and developed a lifestyle to match the in your face, no fear lyrics of political uproar. The core of this new developing genre is this:

We are not afraid to speak our minds.

Listen to our music.

Hear what we have to say.

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