
Disclaimer - We are hardcore

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Warning: The contents of this site contain images, language, political views and social dispositions that over sensitive viewers might find harmful and, but not limited to, offensive, indecent, malicious and unwholesome. The administrator of this site cannot be held liable for any discomfort, feelings of nausea, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, psychological injury or death that may be caused by viewing this site. The administrator cannot be held liable for anything that occurs to any one as the result of this site. If at any point while viewing this site you feel sweaty, faint, nauseous, boring or lame it’s probably because your life is not nearly as exciting as the content of this blog. If you find this site offensive direct your complaints to Some of the contents of this site including the disclaimer are fictitious. Those who feel like they were misled by this site should have read the disclaimer first. This site is for die hard kwaicore fans. If you do not support the underground movement then fuck you. If you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer then you’ve done the right thing.

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